Moving Mountains
In East Africa on the streets of Nairobi, Kenya, not too far from the biggest slums in East Africa there are children looking to not only survive but to have a place where they can feel welcomed and be given the ability to see the world in a better light.
Kenya is known for safaris, mountains, culture, unique climate and the rich history of Africa, but there is more here under the lights and stars of this beautiful country that locals call home and that is the children.
On an expedition to climb two of the highest peaks in Kenya I had the liberty to climb with Adventures Alternative Expeditions to help bring awareness to supporting their non-profit Moving Mountains Trust.
A Kenya-based non-profit and a climbing organization that both give back by giving the street children of Kenya a place to eat and find education. Moving Mountains is a unique non-profit that is provides children a space to find hope and confidence to be more than what society and their current circumstances suggest they should be. Moving Mountains is a place to help children make strides to become educated and leaders within their communities.
During the climb Gilbert, an amazing proud Kenyan and trustee of Moving Mountains, volunteered to ride his bike from the top of mount Kenya to the coast of Kenya to raise money for the Moving Mountains Trust
Climbing Mount Kenya with Adventures Alternative, Gilbert, and other Kenyan locals to raise funding and awareness to help Moving Mountains was what climbing outside is about.
Find a purpose to help others around the mountain that is higher than the summit.
Please click on the link below to learn more about work that Moving Mountains is doing to help provide a positive impact to the Kenya community.